Thursday, March 03, 2005

Work and Workouts

Elvis is sitting beside me munching and chewing on an old tupperware type container that was previously filled with chicken gumbo. I eat the gumbo and he licks (and then demolishes) the container. It's just a little something we do.

It's been a productive day. It didn't start out too fab, as I overslept by 2 hours! However, I tried to make it up by accomplishing a lot. The house is cleaner, the dishes are done and my school promo packs are almost ready to be mailed. I hit two florists and a hair place with my wedding photog. promo cards, too. I expect at least one of them will actively promote me. I'm going to head back out tomorrow and do some more promoting.

I had a run (run/fast walk/trudge through melting snow) with Elvis back through the fields and into the woods for my aerobic workout. I also hit the weight room and pool at the Y.

Quick question: When did it become okay for women to strut around completely nude in the locker room? Or to lounge in the whirlpool without a stitch? Modesty, people, MOD-ES-TY. Gosh!(Napoleon Dynamite).

I got a call back from the Big Brothers organization today. Yikes. I hope I'm up for this. Pray for me, please, folks. I'm going to talk to the lady tomorrow and get some more info.

I am so looking forward to a dinner out tomorrow night. I haven't been out to eat in almost 3 weeks, I think. Mmmm.

Perhaps I'll grace you all with a review of my meal. We'll see.

I hope everyone had a lovely day.


Emily said...
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Emily said...

Thank you for the Napoleon Dynamite quote. I thought that movie was awesome!! ( GAWD!) far as the the Modesty question, I personally believe Mom's old girl scout leader, Mrs. McMichael started the trend. DO YOU REMEMBER ALL OF THE UNCOMFORTABLE NAKED CONVOS AT THE Y?? Ugh!

melissa said...

ROFL!!! That is exactly what I was going to say! Mrs. McMichael! Em is still trying to remove THAT image from her brain! Don't worry, you'll be struttin around the locker room in no time! Have a good day, and keep up the good work!

Thom said...

The images from those convos are seared into my mind for eternity, I'm afraid. I'll just have to learn not to make any eye contact with my fellow Y goers--eyes on the carpet, eyes on the carpet.

Napoleon Dynamite was the FUNNIEST movie--I laughed so hard I was crying.
I've been going around saying GOSH! and IDIOT! and "real quick" for weeks.

Dy said...

OK, we have *got* to see this movie, haven't we?

As for the nekkid folks in the locker rooms, um, yeah. That's oodles of fun with a painfully articulate two-year old who actively discourses about "breasts". Get in- get out- don't talk- let's GO! Ugh. But personally, I don't think it's any better when I'm by myself, either. I kept thinking, "What? Is this the ERA version of a Roman Bath? Put on a SUIT, lady!"
