Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Same old, same old

Well, I don't have too much to write about because there just ain't too much goin on with me right now.

I downloaded some software and set up an account to FTP my image files to my lab--no more mailing CD's. That's nice, although my dial-up connection makes it time consuming.
I did some research on other area photographers and found that my work is stacking up pretty good against theirs. Pricewise, I may have to do some more figuring to make sure they're not underselling me.
Ran out to the dollar store and somehow managed to lose my car key whilst shopping. After three trips in and out of the store(under the scathing glances of Dollar General's finest), I found it on the floor next to the aisle featuring fake bunny ears for pets. Which, incidentally, I purchased.
As the fields across from my place have been freshly fertilized (cow poo), I hiked with Elvis on "our" National Forest trail in the evening. The place was just teeming with wildlife. I unsuccessfully tried to stare down some doe. It ended with the whole herd crashing through the underbrush with Elvis in hot pursuit(Roscoe PEEE Coltrain).There was turkey sign everywhere,too. It was a nice walk.
I cleaned my kitchen, did the dishes and cooked some supper while watching a movie. That was pretty much the day

I accomplished quite a bit today. I made a couple of good business contacts, partially squared away an advertising bill which I'm currently contesting, sorted and organized an enormous pile of negs, worked on organizing and cleaning my office--actually made some real progress there, did miscellaneous housework, got my printer set up to utilize roll paper, printed a number of test proofs in prep for the 16x20's I have to print by tomorrow morning. I hiked again with Elvis on our favorite trail(pretty good workout today) and made wheat pasta with homemade marinara sauce for supper. Mel invited me over for pizza, but as I just had so much yet to do today, I declined and kept working. I'm still messing with this printer, trying to fine tune the color and size of the images. It's driving me a little nuts. That's why I stopped to blog :0)

Tomorrow's going to be busy, so I 'm going to hit the sack here pretty quick.



melissa said...

You chose wisely on the dinner last night, I was curled up in the bed moaning whilst the childen foraged for themselves! ugh.
See you later today. I can meet you w/ the pic. today so that you don't have to come all the way out here. Talk to ya

Dy said...

But you haven't told us what empty container Elvis has been chewing on lately!

Sometimes the ideas flow, and sometimes I could swear the BlogMuse is either passed out from too much wine, or ignoring me. It happens- just keep touching base and your Muse will come back. :-)
