Friday, March 30, 2007

Still Kickin'!!

I'm taking a break from my campfire to jot down a few words about the last few weeks. God has given me the following opportunities and blessings:

* to see prayers for a loved one's health and comfort answered
*to be helpful to a homeless family
*to rescue someone's beloved pet from certain death
*to book what looks to be a hugely profitable wedding
*to spend time with my oldest nephew---just hangin' out

I had been floating in and out of a mental rut and feeling pretty sorry for myself and how tough things were for me, lately. It's easy enough to do---feeling sorry for yourself, that is.The above happenings served to put the little difficulties and problems in my own life into perspective. By the grace of God alone, I am one BLESSED gal!

I've been sitting in front of a campfire in the back of my house, just soaking in all that this beautiful evening has to offer. Pleasantly cool air, starry sky, bright moon, cup of green tea, Honduran cigar, E.M Forester novel, frolicking dogs, that awesome campfire smell. I don't deserve any of it but there it is nonetheless. All for me to enjoy. God is SO good.

Say a prayer of thanks tonight for all the blessings, big and small, that a gracious God has given to you and those you love. Don't take anything for granted.

I'm headed back out to my fire now. Thanks for stopping by!

G'night all! :0)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Lucy! You got some 'splainin' to dooo!!!!


Come on, leave some comments---don't treat me like a red-headed step child!!

...and she'll have fun, fun, fun 'til someone takes the hair dye awaa-aay!! :0D

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Politics, Hair Color and Performance Art

Election day, November 2006. It was freezing cold, rainy and windy. I worked the polls for a few hours, out in the weather. It was amazing to see all of the people turning out to do their civic duty, despite the nasty weather. Of course, we lost the race, but we did win an important ammendment in this state. I think the ammendment actually inspired a higher voter turn-out. I take that as a positive sign, regarding the morals of the general public. Now, if we can just get folks to reason out the best way to apply those morals, politically, well---that'd just be peachy.

Sometimes it seems so wrong to me that everyone is given a chance to vote when everyone is not thoroughly informed on the issues. Things are so convoluted and information sources so biased, that it's hard for the average person to get all of the facts. It requires a lot of effort to wade through all of the crap to find the truth. I want to encourage every reader here to seek out the truth about who or what you are voting for before you cast your ballot.


I've been working out hard and counting calories for a couple of weeks now. It's starting to show!
I have big plans for being "that girl" on the beach, this summer. You know, the girl that we all hate because she just looks SO good in her swimsuit? Yep. That's gonna be me. A shallow goal, perhaps, but a goal nonetheless, hee-hee!

In other news pertaining to my vanity, I am now a red head. How about that? I can't believe I did it! Em's been saying I should do it, for years. Melissa's recent foray into drastic hair color change-age gave me the guts to actually go for it.

Initially, the results were a little frightening---Ronald McDonald-like in their intensity. A few shampoos and a few highlights later, and I am really digging it. I mean I I REALLY like it!!! I've never done anything so drastic before. It's incredibly fun to make a change like this!! I'm going to keep it this way for a while.

I will post a picture of my new scarlet tresses tomorrow.:0)


Here are a few pictures of Savannah in her play last Saturday. I was blown away by her perofrmance!! This normally reserved girl walked out onto that stage and projected her voice, in character, like she was born up there! She is SO amazing!!!!

