Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Springtime at my place
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The azalea bush is about to burst forth into beautimous blooms any moment!
It does seem to smell a little weird, though (at least I think that's where that smell is coming from?????). Is it normal for azaleas stink?
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Anonymous said...

No, azaleas don't normally stink! Perhaps the smell has something to do with the manure your landlord is spreading on the field across from your house. Just a guess. Your house looks so pretty now! Doesn't look like the same place. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I like your house Thomasina. I see you have a nice deck on the backside of it. Looks really country there and I know your are glad you found it.

My copper gold male is still waiting for his new owner to come by and get him if she is still wanting a betta.

Aunt D.

melissa said...
