Monday, April 18, 2005

Spring images and a relatively boring Blog

My lilac bush is in full bloom and it is SO gorgeous and sweet smelling! The butterflies can't keep their little probosci (that means butterfly mouths) off of it.
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The Dogwood in my yard is blooming--Spring has indeed sprung!
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Well, the missing wedding check arrived in the mail today. Whew! I needed that.

I almost forgot about the wedding consultation I had booked for this morning, so I was up scurrying around and getting things ready, first thing. It went smoothly. The bride-to-be was very sweet and very indecisive. We'll see if I get a call back on that one or not!

The afternoon was spent working on three sports packages that had to be mailed today, without fail. Right as I was trying to get out the door, my landlady stopped by AND the pushy phone book lady called. I ended up making it to the P.O. just in time to get the packages mailed before 5pm.*shew*

I discovered that the lab where I was going to be sending my wedding film is not really the "pro" operation that it claims to be on it's website. A phone call to confirm a few details before I shipped them my film was enough to convince me that I would NOT be trusting these folks with any of my precious wedding images.

I've sent out a couple of emails to some other promising labs and hope to hear back from them tomorrow. It's always a little scary to deal with a new outfit.

I finished a lot of the editing on the digital images from this past weekend's wedding. I'm pretty pleased with the results, so far.

I retouched and printed a couple of enlargements that I may hang in the Bistro. I want to get a second opinion on it, though, before I frame them.

Me and Elvis went for a run this evening and I did some ab-but-pec work as well. Felt pretty good, except for my aching shins(how the heck do you spell THAT?). I think I'm going to have to scrape together some funds for a new pair of running shoes.

Tomorrow, Savannah's coming over in the morning for her art lesson and Austin's going to mow the grass for me. Then I have a Headshot session at 2pm. I've already set up the studio for it, so I don't have to be rushed in the morning.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to make a dentist's appointment very soon. I have a toothache. Every since the disconcerting abscess tooth incident from a few years ago, I have this horrible dread of getting another one. It REALLY hurt and I REALLY don't like pain. SO. Off to the dentist I go. SOON!

What a boring blog. Oh, well, they can't all be riveting, right? :0)

Alright, folks. Sweet dreams.


Anonymous said...

You know Thomasina, Your blog was really good, but don't worry if you ever feel like your blog is draging then throws some nice pics in it and it will be fine. I really enjoy reading it and looking at the pretty pics you post.

Aunt D

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten that butterflies mouths are called probosci! ( I'm sure that's not the ONLY thing I learned in biology that I've forgotten.) I hope you got that PUSHY phonebook lady straightened out. The pictures are really beautiful; and the one taken in the field is especially nice. Beautiful country up there!! And you just keep on blogging, 'cause nothing you say is ever boring. Love, Mom

Thom said...

Thanks, Moom and Aunt D. I'll keep the pictures coming!:0)

melissa said...

PLEASE tell me that you looked up the word "probosci".
"Cause nothing you say is ever boring"....??? OH PULEASE! Need I remind you of PPW, Mom?
And who is "Moom"?

Just kidding, very funny stuff (well, not about the toothache). The probosci thing had me rolling!

melissa said...

Forgot to say, "Way to go!" on fixing your sidebar! Looks great!

Thom said...

Whatch-you talkinbout, Willis?

My sidebar wasn't screwed up, at least not when I pull it up.

And PPW is a legitimate blogging
topic(it's real--you KNOW it is!)

LOL! :0D