Monday, February 14, 2005

Weekend happenings

Decent weekend. Nothing very exciting. My friend and I took Elvis to a favorite National Forest trail and he walked while Elvis and I ran. The trail is really gorgeous, secluded, rarely traveled and only about 3-4 miles from my house. I can let Elvis off his leash and don't have to worry about running into anyone else. There are a number of trails like that around--which is especially nice right now since the fields across from my house where I usually workout are currently covered with "fertilizer"(cow poo).
Anyhow. Later, my friend B picked me up and we had an excellent supper at the Bistro. They have such lovely wines and desserts. I didn't go to wild, though--2 glasses of wine and a shared Napoleon. B gave me a nice V-day gift after dessert. A 3 month membership to the YMCA. I'd been fretting about how I was going to afford joining and how much I LOVE to swim. I was pretty pleased.

Saturday was breakfast out, a little bit of photo work, then shopping for and shipping a V-day gift for EM's boys ( a little excitement down to the Eckerd--some guy walked out of the store with an armful of stuff, unpaid for, and apparently made his getaway on a Greyhound bus). It's just candy and a card, but at their ages I think it will go over well. I dared not send a card only. My nephews and niece have come to expect a certain amount of sugar from all gifts which their Aunt Thom gives to them. That's just the way things are and I'm happy with that.

Later that day, in preparation for my Y excursions, I happily went bathing suit shopping (my friend came,too, but he was forbidden to be anywhere near while I was modeling the suits). What was I thinking? That I would have a "nice time" shopping for a swimsuit? I was ready to go home and get in bed and never ever be seen by the outside world ever, ever again. It just felt like the right thing to do, really. Of course, I didn't. I settled on a fairly plain CK suit and some shorts which at least made me feel that my ample behind wouldn't be quite so hideously on display.
I mean it's just the Y, after all. The mean age of my fellow swimmers will probably be like, 80, right? Nobody will notice my but and snicker, right?RIGHT!?

Sunday started with a fairly low calorie breakfast, as I was still smarting from the whole swimsuit trauma. Later in the afternoon, I plunked some targets with my .45 (my friend has a shooting range in the field behind his house) and made the disconcerting discovery that my weapon needs some work. It's still good for close range self-defense, though. And I was pleased to realize that I'm still quite comfortable and accurate in the handling of my gun.
We then took a long hike in the National Forest with Elvis. It was a pretty good workout-lotsa hills. I then came back, showered and burned a CD.

Geez, I look back at my weekend and see a very self-consumed person evolving, here.
I have got to find a good outlet for doing my Christian good works. Serving others, helping in the community--something. I suppose I could get involved with local politics, like I was in Stafford. But there's my work to think about. I can't do anything that's going to conflict with weekend weddings, sports shoots, etc., as that season is fast approaching. Hmmm. And a church. I need to find a chuch to join. I've slacked off on my search in recent weeks, so I've got to recommit to that effort, as well.
Well, I'm off to SR's dance lesson. Mel and her DH are are getting some time to themselves this evening (the boys are at a Basketball game). I'm picking SR up and taking her back to their house for the evening. I may try to squeeze in an art lesson with her, as well, to save time tomorrow. We'll see.
Hope everyone had a spectacular Valentine's Day!

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