Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Today sucked

Today sucked, for many reasons. I will try to relate them here.

* 3 week-old, enormously expensive photo printer developed a glitch.

* B&W headshots wouldn't print in the correct tones (this happened earlier in the day-back when the printer was still functioning)

* About an hour's worth of work erased by my program unexpectedly quitting (I think this is the Mac equivalent of the "your computer has performed an illegal operation" thing on Windows).

* Unable to complete 2 orders which were due today, because of the printer trouble.

* Had to pay $90.00 for something that I was expecting to receive at no charge.

*I have a mysterious pain in my left shoulder that appeared out of nowhere sometime during the day and threatens to derail all of my plans for swimming/weightlifting at the Y later in the week

*No time to workout. Feelin way fat.

*No time to clean my car--will have to drive to Stafford in a rotten vehicle.

*Elvis has gas.

I know, I know, I'm whining. I'll shut it.

There were some good things today,too.

*I got to have supper with Mel and the kids
*I did go ahead and join the Y.
*A guy from Martial Arts is coming to use my studio next week and I have plans to extract free karate lessons from him as payment for the generous loaning of my
studio (maniacal laughter).
* A wedding client finally sent me the check she's been promising to send.
* I recieved a check from the IRS for last year's taxes (covered the $90.00)
* I learned that Q and W recieved their V-day gifts on time and enjoyed a lengthy sugar high as a direct result.
* I am alive and healthy; as are my family and friends.

Alright, no more complaints from me. I mean, not today.

I've got to get back to work on this proof album and get packed for my pre-dawn journey tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing the Fam.

1 comment:

Emily said...

OOOO...Sorry you had a bad day. That is why God gives us more than one, b/c things are bound to screw up. :) Hope to see you tomorrow!