Friday, February 11, 2005


Disclaimer: Be aware, all who read my blog. It will likely bore you to tears. Just so you know.

Alrighty then. Well, I don't know that I shall have anything of interest to say, but I suppose it will be nice to have a little record of the little happenins in my little life.
The day started with a phone call from Bill letting me know that he had found the dry cider that Mel was searching for to give her DH for Vday--that was excellent news, for her and I, since I am dying to try the stuff. Then working on image collages (ie, sitting on my ever-growin tail in front of the computer), scrambled eggs with feta and spinach,coffee and putting on the workout clothes. And now I'm still on my tail in front of the computer. Must... work..out...MMMUUUST!! (read last as Capt. Kirk, for full effect)
You know, I should probably use this blog to practice my grammar and proper punctuation, whilst writing. Nah. Maybe I'll just concentrate on that on days that I feel like doing it. Otherwise, it will probably impede the flow of my thoughts(trickle that it is) into blogdom. Anyhoo. I'll be back later. Have to clean house, look through a zillion negatives, make some business calls, work on reprints, clean my car( the air freshner "leaf" is no longer cutting it), download some stuff from the internet, and a whole bunch of other hooey to complete. Chow.


melissa said...

Woo-Hoo! You have your own blog! You GO girl! Already gave ME a giggle. Have a great day.

Emily said...

Good to see you too have joined the world that is blog. I have added you to my favorites.

Emily said...

OK??? I have you saved in my favorites where are the posts? :)