Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Show Prep Update and a Few Pics

As I'm currently up to my eyeballs in Showcase prep work, I'm just going to take a couple of minutes to scribble something here. I don't want to put off the few faithful readers I have by non-posting! :0)

All of my Big Gorgeous albums arrived and are in the process of being filled with Big Gorgeous example images. Sleek, newly designed brochures are printing off as I type. A 50" flat screen TV is scheduled to be delivered to my booth on Show Day. I have business cards and pens a-plenty, to hand out. My work outfit and hairstyle for the day is all settled upon. My car is just a giant dung heap and MUST be cleaned out in order to haul my stuff (and to be seen in civilized society). I have some corrections to make on the Slideshow DVD I'll be playing on the big TV. 16x20's still have to be printed and mounted. And I'm sure there's lots of other stuff that I'll forget and have to rush around to get finished by Saturday. Set-up time begins at 9:00AM and Showtime is 12:00.

I volunteered to make phone calls for my political party to "get out the vote" for November 8th's election, this week. This is not a great week for me to be volunteering, but I've ebbn meaning to get involved since I moved here and I was already committed. I have a car load full of campaign signs that I need to get put up along the road, as well. Thus far, I've struck out with every person whom I've asked for permission to put something up in their yard. That's just disappointing. And when your heart's not in your work to begin with, it's a little difficult to stay motivated when folks just keep shooting you down. Ah, well. I said I would, so I shall. I shouldn't complain. It's an opportunity, not a chore, right? (Right?Anyone?... a little encouragement here?)

I have a short, humorous story/observation to share about the volunteer phone call operation at the Republican HQ. When the Show is over and done I shall share it.

In the meantime, for your viewing pleasure:

Steeplechase at Oak Ridge 2005 (and Terrier races!)

VU4R0951 copy




It was alot of fun!


J-Lynn said...

Wow, I'm tired just reading about what you're up to!

You could put your signs on my yard anytime! I played it safe last year, I just went to the thrift store and shopped for what they needed (phones & answering machines) and donated it to them. I called it good from there. Got my signs too. One day I'll do more.

SOunds like your booth will be the best at the place! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Love the pics too btw!

melissa said...

What are you doing reading this????GET TO WORK!

Just kidding! You'll have the most fabulous booth at the show and all the brides-to-be shall run home scheming about how they will get daddy to to fork out the moola. Of course, the smart ones will have confiscated his charge card before arriving at the show..

Anonymous said...

YES!! IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY! And I am very proud that you are doing it. Our side needs all the help it can get. Your signs might be the ones to put us over the hump.

Those are such good action shots! Almost makes me feel like I'm there.

Wish I was there to see your presentation tomorrow. Knowing you, I'm sure it will be very successful, because you always put your all into those shows.

Love, Mom

Emily said...

Love your pictures! We are going to the Montpellier Races tomorrow. The boys are so excited!! (We have to enter Stella in the JRT races someday! What a hoot!!).

Sounds like your booth is going to be a smash hit. The albums I have seen are gorgeous and I am sure you will a ton!

Good luck! Have fun! Keep us posted!!


Dy said...

You know, the hard work and the less-than-inspiring times are when our strengths are tested, measured, and given the chance to grow. This is SUCH a great time for you, even if it doesn't necessarily feel like it. Keep your chin up, and take a shovel to the car, lady - you can do it!


Thom said...

I did convince 2 people along the main road to let me put up several signs in their yards. That made me feel a little better about the whole situation!

Thanks for the encouragement, folks.

Laney said...

Hi! First, thank-you for the kind words on my son's construction blog, that was very cool!

I think your sister should be doing stand-up. Was she always funny?

If you take a drive to NJ (mecca of all things liberal and left,ha!) I would be more than happy to have a sign. I irritate pretty much everyone I know with my Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on my gas guzzling, environmentally cruel, Chevy Tahoe.

Keep up the good work and best of luck at your show!