Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cabin in the Woods

I enjoyed a wonderful time at an old 1800's era cabin with Melissa and the kids last week. I was invited to spend the night with them for an early celebration of Austin's birthday. Gorgeous old cabin,cool mountain air, fall foliage, hot tub, woodstove, incredibly delicious chili (Melissa makes the BEST chili!), hot mulled apple cider with a smidge of cinnamon Schnapps (just a smidge, mind you), marathon Monopoly with Austin, metal detecting in the meadow, pancakes and bacon and coffee the next morning...




Jackson catches a Monarch butterfly

Metal detecting in the meadow


Austin cuts loose with a startlingly loud and scary Uruk Hai roar




melissa said...

Oh my gosh, these are SO good! (Please remind me to stand up straight). I can't wait to send the link to race! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I wish we could have been there, but it's a little too far for us for just one night. We really enjoyed it there a few years ago though.

Hope your show planning is coming along good.

I'm doing pretty good with the eating so far; how about you?

Love, Mom

J-Lynn said...

Wow, how cool is it to have a professional photographer sister/aunt? You take great photos! And you're creative with them aftewards as well (that's my favorite part personally).

Looks like you guys had a great time!


Dy said...

I love Jackson hauling the big ol' shovel in the meadow! You captured that perfectly.

What fun. And what a great birthday celebration weekend for Austin. I think the Aunt Thom Magic is pretty strong.


Thom said...

Melissa, you slacker, stand up straight!!!LOL! Actually, I don't think you look slouchy.:0)

Mom, the eating/exercising is going good and the show planning is in full swing.Next week is going to be SERIOUS crunch time!

Jess, that's why I get invited to these things--'cause I bring my camera everywhere I go! LOL!

The "Aunt Thom Magic"...LOL! Thanks, Dy!

Glad everyone likes the pics. We really did have a great time. Thanks again for the invite, Melissa!

Emily said...

The pictures are awesome! I love the one with the metal detectors and Jack carrying the shovel too! Looks like a grand time!


J-Lynn said...

LOL Thom, I have a friend that has really nice photo equiptment and a great eye. She's going away this Halloween and my first thought was "Oh man, I wanted good pictures" ROFL

OF course, we love HER too. ;-)