Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm having a great day!

I just booked another wedding, scheduled a wedding consultation and have accomplished a bunch of reprint and proof work, too. I got new tags and county stickers for my car. Steadily marking stuff off the To-do list.

Poor little Hilda is at the vet recovering from her operation and doing just fine (she got fixed). I will pick her up in the morning. Me and Elvis took a nice long walk in the woods, this afternoon. The Big E is now contentedly chewing on a McDonalds burger wrapper, enjoying his day of solitude.

I watched Melissa's boys at their martial arts class last night. They are very impressive! At some point, I am going to HAVE to get my nerve up and join there, myself. The skills they're teaching those boys are something I would love to acquire. I think I would really enjoy it, too, if I could get over my self-consciousness. I suspect that once I got in there and learned a few things, I could really get into it. And there are some really nice folks around there, too.

I go to see my Litte Buddy tomorrow. And I'm dreading it SO much. I know that sounds bad, but it's just so frustrating. We have NOTHING in common and I have a terrible time communicating with her. And this last time I saw her, I was detecting a bit of a bad attitude, too--like she's testing me. I am not good at handling such things. Speaking with my BBBS worker didn't help.
I think once they cut you loose with these kids, then you're just kinda on your own. So, I'm clueless.

She likes rap music and Bratz dolls. Neither of those interests are anything I think I ought to encourage. In an attempt to make a connection, I bought her a disposable camera and told her to take pics of her friends and of things that she likes. She didn't even bring the camera back to school for me to develop the pictures. I've been thinking about maybe buying a book for us to read together. Any suggestions as to a title? She's a 4th grader in an inner city school, FYI.

Alrighty, gotta get back to work here. I'm still on a roll! Have a great day, folks!


J-Lynn said...

OK, time for him to meet YOUR family (I want to read Melissa's blog that night - LOL).

I'm sorry about your little buddy, I'd have a hard time as well. She's probably got a defense up, afraid to let you in close so she'll front a 'tude because it's safer. My suggestion would be just not to give up on her, everyone else probably already has. Strong willed children need to know they're loved no matter what. At the same time set clear boundaries with her (ie: if you talk to me like that we'll have to end the meeting early and try again next week). Ask for her suggestions on reading material or fun things to do.

That's all the advice I have. Hope it helps soon. I'm bad with other people's kids. I'm polite but at a loss if they're older than mine or into things that we're not. Actually, I have a hard time finding common ground with my 6yo brother sometimes.

HUGS, you're doing a great thing...

J-Lynn said...

"some" not "soon"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new bookings!! Sounds like you are really moving along up there in the mountains.

Hopefully, Hilda will recover quickly; but I'm sure Elvis is enjoying his time with you,(without Hilda's hassle).
Don't give up on your Little Buddy, which I know you're not even considering.(Because I know you so well.) I would imagine she'll come around before long. Sounds like she just needs to know that you won't quit trying to get through to her. Some kids just have a hard time connecting with people.

I don't know why you are self-conscious about the martial arts class. Your good at that kind of stuff. Besides, those 10lbs would come off a lot quicker if you were kickin' and punchin'.

See you on the 18?

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Jess is right more than likley alot of people have let that little girl down. Its only natural she would try and push you away so she dosent care for you only to have you leave too. Give it time. Its so awesome you are doing this out of the goodness of your heart. Congratulations on the new bookings. Oh I figure I should introsuce myself. I read dys blog religiously and your sisters..angela :)

melissa said...

Congrats on the wedding bookings.
And it's about time you got that little hussy, Hilda, fixed. (Bwahaha!) Thanks for the compliments about the boys, I'll pass it along. You should TOTALLY join!
I think that everyone gave good advice about your Little Buddy. Keep it up, even consistency is something that these kids aren't normally used to. You may be her ONLY positive influence.

Bridget said...

I'm sorry about your little buddy, but to reiterate some of the other comments, she probably has been let down alot and is afraid to like someone because, in her mind, they are going to just leave anyway.
On the subject of "the guy" me thinks the lady protests too much. ha ha

Emily said...

Congrats on the new work!

Like eveybody else has said, stick with the little girl. Maybe try an American Girl book they are quite popular. You may also ask Camm for ideas, she is awesome at that stuff!!

Looking forward to meeting Johnny Law!! And I will be blogging!! MUWAHAHAHA!!!


Dy said...

ROFLOL! Ok, so this poor man's first meeting with your family (which, yeah, he's got it good, your family is SO MUCH COOLER than mine - I introduced Zorak to 350 of my closest relatives AND my mother at one event - I'm ruthless) anyway, Johnny's meeting is going to be broadcast from three perspectives all over the blogosphere. Do you think we could get your Mom to blog? She could guest blog at my place! :-D

No advice for you on your little buddy. I think the feedback you've had is awesome. What about introducing her to Christian rap? I know, it's still rap, which grates on the very. last. nerve. But at least you don't have to worry about profanity wafting from your speakers! Anyway, I don't handle button-pushers very well, so I know your frustration. I'll be praying for a connection. It could be very good. {{hugs}}

YAY on the bookings! Makes me want to get married all over again! :-)


J-Lynn said...

Hey, my oldest and me LOVE Christian rap. Yes, we like country too...lol

Anonymous said...

I know you're busy, but ARE YOU EVER GONNA' BLOG AGAIN?

Love, Mom