Friday, August 12, 2005

Dieting Hell, DAY 4

The last few days have been work-as-usual. Except that I'm hungrier and sorer (more sore?). You see, I started on my pre-beach diet and exercise plan: counting calories and running/walking/aerobics/resistance training. Vacation starts Sept. 10th, so I've given myself exactly one month to lose as much weight as possible and tone the flab. Whilst vacationing, it's no-holds-barred eating, of course. Post vacation, it's back to a sensible, healthy eating/exercise plan. Quite suddenly (it seems sudden, anyway) I no longer possess any fat jeans--sadly, I amply fill out the formerly fat jeans and can barely squeeze into my regular jeans. Not good. VERY, not good. *SIGH*
The old metabolism ain't what she used to be, folks. Time to take action. I'm on Day 4 of Dieting Hell and have done really well, thus far. I'm irritable, but I'm OK.

My friend came by on his Harley yesterday evening and took me for a ride up the Parkway. It was really great fun! We rode up into the cooler, higher altitudes of the mountains and took in some gorgeous, hazy views of the valley. We were planning to stop and eat at this restaurant along the Parkway. When we arrived, there was such a long line waiting to get in, that we skipped it and headed back down to a little local eatery (I had a grilled chicken breast, about 6 fries and a diet soda--very diet friendly meal!)

By the time we left, it was dark and we took a long route home, just enjoying the free, adventurous feeling of winding along the back roads in the cool mountain air. Back at my place, I sat in the yard and played with the dogs and started watching for any sign of the Perseids meteor shower. I had the privilege of seeing one really enormous meteor streak across the sky. It was an impressive sight! I was tempted to go and check in Farmer Sammy's fields to see if there was a crater. ;0)

I got up around 4am, this morning, to look for more shooting stars but couldn't keep my eyes open or my head skywards for more than about 20 minutes. I saw a few little streaks, but nothing quite so impressive as The Big One, from the night before. So, I went back to bed.

I would like to add a prayer request for my cousin, Ellen, who is going through a really tough time. Specifically, for her illness and the resulting financial problems. Thanks!

Have a great day, everyone!


Bridget said...

I am going through the same diet hell right with you. We are going on a cruise in April and I really need to lose some weight to get back into the dresses I took on the cruise last year. I am doing Curves and after vacation I will be joining Weight Watchers. I HATE diets, but I hate my fat butt even more. Good luck!!

melissa said...

Well, I am glad to hear that vacation will be "no-holds barred eating", because we are counting on you for some of your fabulous meals,(and also, I for one don't want to have to shuffle around your hungry,grumpy carcass the entire vacation). You can do it! You can do it! There. That's all I've got. I'm sore as hell.

The Crib Chick said...

Okay, I know I'm a little behind the power curve, but I just read the 'Mister Mussel' entry, and *laughed* out *loud*!

You need your own sitcom!! I'd watch it!

Dy said...

Hey there. I've brought my soap box. Hope you don't mind if I set it up here just for a sec...

I'm really glad you're getting active and eating well. You'll feel so much better (you know, eventually, when the soreness and irritability wear off).

However, please consider eliminating diet drinks from your menu. Specifically those (or any foods) that use Nutrasweet/Aspartame. It is a documented, proven neuro-toxin. It embeds itself in the brain stem and builds up while it eats away at your brain matter. The damage is to the central nervous system and is not reversable - it's lifelong. Not good stuff. Not worth saving the 16 calories in one packet of sugar that you could add to tea.

I bring this up b/c I really like you and would hate to see you suffering damage that could be avoided. Please consider eliminating it. :-)

And on another note, I have totally missed vacation notes - where are you going?!? How fun!


J-Lynn said...

I agree with Dy on the diet drinks but I have to thank you for the visual of a man getting off of a Harley and eating a grilled chicken sandwich with a diet coke. I had a chuckle at that one.

I admire your discipline and applaud you though, really. I just can't help my cynical nature. ;-)

Good luck!!! :-)