Thursday, August 18, 2005

...cause I'm Jesse James

That was a line from a John Lee Hooker song.
Good ole' Johnny Lee.

When I'm feeling particularly pleased with myself it generally pops into my head. It's one of my happy songs. Zepplin's "Rock'n'Roll" is prob'ly my all-time-super-happy-song.That little guitar riff just perks me up every time.

Anyone else have happy songs? You know, the tune or lyrics just sort of jump into your head at a happy or joyful moment? Care to share? I'm quite curious. :0)

It's been a productive and rewarding week. I booked my first "higher end" wedding (well, she's a-movin on uh-uh-up...) and completed a couple of other big work projects as well. Booking that wedding is a big deal for me. It represents my first booking using my new(and still partially under construction) Package pricing. The lady saw my work, saw my (much higher than anything I've charged before) prices and didn't so much as blink. The consultation ended with a smile on her face and a check in my hand. It just doesn't get much better than that, folks.
I squealed--after making sure she had pulled out of the driveway, of course---and then said a prayer of thanks and then squealed some more. And then sang aloud, all low and bluesy-like "'cause I'm Jesse James"... hee-hee!

On the weight loss front...I think I may have. Lost some weight I mean. My jeans seem less snug and my face may be a tad less hugely fat. Could be just wishful imaginings but hey, I'll take that. Workouts and dieting are tiresome, but I 'm doing OK. I did go a little crazy with the Reduced Fat Wheat Thins last night, but aside from that I've stuck to it.

I didn't get a whole bunch finished on the house this week, but it's in the works for tomorrow.
I wish I had a little more energy and a few less headaches. It would make me much more productive. It's most likely just the ragweed pollen giving me problems. The Weird Leg Itch has calmed down for the time being, though. That is good.

Garden club was tonight. We had a flower arranging "party" in the social hall of a local church. There were big buckets full of wildflowers and cut, cultivated flowers and vases of all shapes and sizes. We basically just grabbed a vase apiece and went to cutting and arranging whilst gossiping and politely critiquing and complimenting one another's work. In the end, we had an informal judging and I came in second place. Refreshments followed: Homemade sour cream pound cake, fresh peaches, ice cream and various finger foods. I had a 2in square of pound cake and about 2 tbs of ice cream and peaches and 2 potato chips. It was SO hard not to grab a giant slab of that moist cake and drench it under a sweet mountain of ice cream and peaches and then scoop a giant handful of delightfully greasy chips and a 1/2 pint of dip onto my plate. So. Hard.

Dieting is NOT for the faint of heart, I can tell you. Temptation is all around you. The TV, the billboards,the radio--heck, just the the smell of grease as you pass McDonalds is enough to start my stomach growling and darken my mood. It's just everywhere. And then there's the whole Forbidden Fruit Syndrome at work, as well. It's always that much more delightful to sneak a snack when you KNOW how wrong it is. I mean, having a piece of b-day cake is great when you're not counting calories. But having a little piece when you know you really shouldn't ...when you know how many calories those 3 little bites of luscious, creamy sweetness hold inside their innocently festive exterior...oh, the forbidden joy it brings...maybe I shouldn't be sharing this...I digress. Ahem.

It was so wonderfully cool last night, I took the dogs for a long walk after dark and sat in the field under the giant oaks. The moon was full, or pretty close, and the night time bugs were in full voice. It was just lovely. I prayed and watched the dogs run around and hunt and play. A good time had by all.

I have an awful lot to do before I can leave for the weekend for W's 2nd B-day partaay. I would so like to return home to an organized house and a not insurmountable pile of work to complete. So, I guess it's going to be a busy day tomorrow. That's alright, though. I really dig my work.

But all the same...come onnnn beach vacation!

Okay, gotta run. The cool night air is like an "upper" for dogs. They're laying waste to my living room, as I write. Time for a walk!

Night, all.


Anonymous said...

Thomasina, you go girl. I can tell by your new pic that you have lost weight.
Yes, it is best you don't talk about fat food. My mouth was watering so bad as I read this article, I thought I was going to have to run up stairs here at work and get a snack out of the snack machine. I am glad you have the will power to take only a 2 in square of cake and 2 T spoons of ice cream. That shows you do have some strong will power and determination, and that is something I lack when it comes to sweets. YOU GO GIRL.
Aunt D

melissa said...

WOO-Hoo! So much happiness all at once! Loved this post. Oh, and I believe that I am far too bland to have a "happy song".....hmmmm..maybe I should think about it...

Dy said...

What a great, great week! I am so glad for you and for all your hard work and faith bearing fruit. Keep doing what you're doing.

Love the new photo! Wow.

Have fun, and give that little W a big birthday 'nuggle from us!


Anonymous said...
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Bridget said...

The new picture is great, the diet must really be working. Congratulations on the nice check and the work.
I'm like Melissa I think I will have to work on a happy song, I guess I've never thought about it before, but I will have to work on that.