Friday, February 09, 2007

Writer's Block

I've got it. I sit down to write and my mind just goes blank. I hope that never happens to me when I pick up the camera. Photographer's block? That's just crazy talk. Gotta shake it off [shaking head vigorously].

Business is not bad for this time of year. I have reprint orders coming in and have booked every wedding I've had a consultation for recently. I have a few fine art pieces that I'll be dropping off for display--and hopefully for purchasing---in a couple of local shops. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I have hesitated to sell these couple of pieces because I actually just like them SO much myself?? They just look so good hanging on the studio/living room wall. It's probably a good thing to really dig your own work. That way, if nobody buys it,
I can have it back!

I spent today doing website work. I put up a revised biography of my professional experience on the home page. It's so strange to have to write about yourself in the third person. Especially when you're having to toot your own horn, so to speak. I mean technically speaking, everything I wrote is true, but gosh, did I make me sound all fancy and important. Amazing the impression that you can give through words. It really feels like I'm being all sneaky, 'cause little do my website perusers know that it's actually just regular ol' ME I'm describing, hee-hee!
  • My Website

  • I've revised my wedding pricing system and printed up new brochures. I'm adding new coffee table style books to my album offerings. I'm also thinking about trying to add a new lens to my current arsenal before the spring bridal season gets into full swing. I have a few new posing/lighting ideas I'm looking forward to trying, too. It should be a good season, work-wise. I'm better set up to handle things than I've ever been before---I just need to get some more work on the calendar and I'll be good. I'm getting there.

    Although I took full advantage of those few warm days we had in December and January, poor Mr.Darcy is now parked in my driveway, looking all sad under his snow covered tarp. On occasions when I have to leave town without him, however, Mr. Darcy can't be left unattended outside. My shed sits on an incline, so I can't put the bike in there, either. Therefore, Mr. Darcy house sits for me and keeps the dogs company while I'm gone. I really have to get a picture of that. You have no idea how funny it is to come back home to an 800 lb motorcycle in your living room. Cracks me up!! No matter how broke I am, I will NEVER regret the purchase of that bike!

    Alright, I guess that's enough rambling for now. I think my writer's block has been breached, so I should be blogging more regularly again. Thanks for reading, folks!!


    Bridget said...

    Welcome back, I have really missed you. I can not wait for the picture of Mr. Darcy in the living room.

    J-Lynn said...

    I've been the same way Thom. Just have had no motivation or desire to write really. But I'm sure mine will break too - I'm glad you're back and LOL@the image of Mr. Darcy and the dogs in your LR.

    Anonymous said...

    Thomasina, just thought I would stop by and say Hello. I can see those dogs right now arguing about who get to ride the motorcycle in the living room while you are away. You better check the gas in it. LoL.

    Emily said...

    Glad you are back to blogging! Good to talk to you today. Hope to see you soon and your calendar gets filled :)

    Dy said...

    You did a fine job writing this entry. Sometimes you've just gotta sit down and write. Or post pictures you've enjoyed taking. Or tell us about the snow you're getting that we aren't. *hmpf* Whatever. We're easy!

    Love all the work you've been doing. Don't forget that God has plans for you, and it's an adventure to find the path He's chosen. I hope this is a phenomenal year for you, full of challenges, growth, and blessings galore!!
