Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Home Again

I arrived home yesterday after being on "vacation" for 11 days. I put that in quotes because the vacation was interrupted by hurricanes, car trouble and mysterious rashes. Don't get me wrong, it was GREAT! Definitely one of the best beach trips, ever, if only because it was so memorable. I'll write that whole story down later.

As I pulled in last evening it struck me how much things had physically changed around the ole homestead. Farmer Sammy has cut down all of the corn, returning to me my treasured view of the mountains. My lawn has begun to turn brown in preparation for the winter. The dogwood are already displaying their fall colors. There was a smattering of leaves across the front yard. I miss that little bite of crispness in the air, but I know it will be here soon. I love Fall!

There is a young lady whom I pay to dogsit my pups. I will hereafter refer to her as TheBestDogSitterintheWholeWorldPeriod. Not only does she take wonderful care of my dogs when I'm away (to the point where the dogs are happy to see me when I return, but not actually flipping out about it), but she cleans (scrubs) the house, does home repairs like replacing doorknobs and light bulbs and shower curtatins, waters my plants and gets my mail. I hired her to watch the dogs and straighten the house--everything else she did just because she's SO awesome. What a gem of a find! And how nice to come home to a clean house with lights and fully functiuoning doorknobs, where there were none before. That's what I'm talkin' about.

Well,I gotta run. Lots to do today--back to the old grindstone, livin' by the sweat o' my brow and all of that.


Dy said...

Oh wow, she is priceless! I love it when that happens.

Welcome home. I hope fall comes soon and lingers a while. We thought it would be fall here soon, but we haven't smelled it yet... and then this week it's in the 90's. Still sniffing the air, though. It won't be long!

melissa said...

well if you're not gonna post any pictures, you may as well get over here and make me one of those fabulous marguerita's!! (sp??)