Monday, February 26, 2007

Book Club

Often times when I drop off the rent check, Peggy (my landlady) invites me to sit and chat for a while. On one of these occasions, a few months past, I noticed that she was reading Pride and Prejudice. I commented that it was one of my favorite books, hoping that we might get into a discussion about it. I'm an avid reader and love discussing the things I read with intelligent people. Retired, with a couple of college degrees under her belt and four grown kids, Peggy's no slacker. Imagine my delight when she invited me to attend her book club's meeting the following day!

We arrived at an impressively large house in a well-to-do neighborhood. At the door G, our host, greeted us warmly and invited us into her incredibly lovely home. G is a retired French teacher and hosts the book club meetings at her beautiful house every two months. She really does a nice job making everyone feel welcome.

The gathering turned out to be a wonderful time! In keeping with the British theme of the book, G had prepared a delicious array of English offerings including fresh brewed teas in beautiful porcelain cups, hot out of the oven scones and homemade lemon curd! There were lots of other finger foods and desserts brought in by the other ladies, too. There was even a nice bottle of wine!

There were probably 10 ladies there, altogether and everyone was very pleasant. We sat around and ate and then discussed the book. I felt almost like the special guest speaker, and Peggy introduced me as "an expert"( I guessed because I had read the book several times and visited "the Motherland"). She told me later that she hadn't finished the book, and my being there took the pressure off of her to offer up an opinion of the piece. Very clever, that Peggy.

The discussion was thoroughly enjoyable. Many thought-provoking opinions and ideas were bandied about. It's amazing how the emotions and humor of the piece still ring true today
(I guess that's what really make it a classic, eh?) And yet, it was so interesting to hear the different things that people take way from reading the same text.

At the end of the evening, I was invited to join the club. I was just tickled pink.

The next book to be read was All the King's Men. I had read this one many years before and hadn't really dug it. But, I was up for another go.

It's interesting to read a book for a second time, a decade later. Your perspective changes so much. I certainly took more away from it, the second go 'round. But I still can't say that I really liked it. We had our meeting and I think most of the women felt the way that I did. It was still fun to sit around and chat about it, though, and pick each other's brains!

We are supposed to be scheduling a viewing of the recently released "All the King's Men" movie (on DVD) and everyone will bring a Louisiana-themed covered dish. I'm really looking forward to that!

Last month's book was Water for Elephants, and I just didn't get around to it (ahem, okay, well, I could've probably gotten around to it if I'd REALLY wanted to). The book we're reading now is The Bookseller of Kabul, a non-fiction piece. I finished reading it last week and would highly recommend it!! The writing is simple, but the story holds your interest. It's a fascinating and eye-opening documentary about the life of a modern Afghan family. God bless America and the fact that I was born an American woman!!!

I'm not a giant fan of a good portion of modern novels (hence my non-readage of the Elephant-Water book-thingy). That's not to say their aren't great contemporary novels out there, it just seems like I have to wade thorugh so much junk to find them! And I read pretty much every day. Having my nose stuck in a book so often, I have found that it's best to stick with the more time-tested material, for my leisure reading. It's less likely to waste my time or try my nerves. Something with at least a decade or two of dust on the cover, is usually a good bet. For that reason, I've decided to try and sway the direction of our book club reading selections more towards the classics.

Therefore, at the next meeting, I will be prepared. By that time, I won't feel so much like a newbie and can candidly (but sweetly, of course!) express my thoughts on the subject of the classics and why it's good to read them. Hopefully, the majority of ladies will back me up and a new book club era will begin!! :0)

I may have to endure skimming through the occasional piece of crap, just to keep everyone happy. That's okay. I have an open mind. Don't people sometimes find bits of treasure while sifting through garbage at the dump??! :0)

Happy reading, hee-hee!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Mom's Birthday Pics

Melissa and Em both covered Mom's birthday celebration extremely well, so I'm just going to post a few pics from the evening. It was a great time!

Mom received some nice gifts, including this bouquet of yellow roses, a hand painted mailbox and a digital picture frame. I think Em was right, though, when she said that the greatest gift was just the whole family being together!

Q and J were just having a grand ole time at their end of the table. They were doing little synchronzed routines to the Motown hits playing in the background. Here, they were rockin' a hand-roll over their creme brulee'. It was the funniest thing!!
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Here's Mom doing what she does best: Babies!!!!

Tiny E, after getting his tummy full and taking a brief catnap, was being very livley and sociable with Mam-maw and Pap-paw. He is SUCH a doll baby!

Walker was just the best behaved (and, oh-my-gosh, the most ADORABLE) little critter, all evening long. His reaction to dessert being served was worth a million dollars. Happy is the boy gets chocolate ice cream for dessert!!

Quentin, little cutie-pie that he is, all hopped-up on Shirley Temple's putting on a show. What a mess!! :0)

This was the ONLY time Everett would look at me the whole evening. He heard me trying to get his attention and just very quickly cut his eyes in my direction for a moment, without even moving his head, as if to say "Okay, okay, there ya go". A quick glance to his adoring fans--what a bashful little flirt! :0)

Melissa'a brood, with the boys being their usual silly selves. Savannah really tried to smile nice for the picture, but Jack was not ABOUT to allow that! LOL!!

It really was a fun evening. The food was just fabulous, the conversation was lively and the kids wee hilarious. I think Mom really enjoyed herself. I know I did!

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Pictures

A few pretty pictures from my neck of the woods. The ice and sunlight and clouds and fog were just beautiful! Also, how about my new sidebar photo? Is it too much? Be honest! I can take it. I'm thinking about using it for my "official" business image. I'm going for "professional-but-artsy/friendly-but-business-oriented" Yes?No? I'd love some outside input!! Thanks, y'all. Have a great day!!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Last Few Days

I was sick over the weekend and had to stay holed up at home. I'm all better now, so today and yesterday I was able to get out and run errands and take the dogs for long walks in the fields and woods. It felt good to get back out into the world again.

Last night I ate chili (Melissa's really is the BEST in the world) with Melissa and the kids. I sat on her gorgeous new sofa and we talked about pictures and decorating and whatnot. It was a very enjoyable evening. She lent me her "The Office" and "Arrested Development" DVD's, so I may treat myself to a "TV" night later this evening. I don't have any TV service or cable or anything here, so that's a big deal for me! BTW, if you've never watched the "Arrested Development" series (only available on DVD, since the show was cancelled), you do NOT know what you are missing. It's hilarious!

It was a productive day of reprints and business e-mails and phone calls. I also took a little time today to look into volunteering with the Meals on Wheels organization and/or the YMCA. The BBBS thing didn't work out too well, so I'm looking for new volunteer opportunities. I'm still active in politics, but there's just not a lot going on this time of year where I can be of service, politically speaking.

My house is a mess, but I'm not stressing over it (it's pretty obvious to those who've actually visited my house, that I normally don't stress myself over such things, heh-heh). I don't have any appointments scheduled and due to the weather, it's looking like I'll have plenty of time to devote to housework tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to getting up in the morning and seeing the world all crystallized around me. Tonight, the freezing rain is coming down in buckets. It's cold and icy and windy outside. I'm thankful to be safe and warm and sheltered here in my little house with my dogs to keep me company.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Writer's Block

I've got it. I sit down to write and my mind just goes blank. I hope that never happens to me when I pick up the camera. Photographer's block? That's just crazy talk. Gotta shake it off [shaking head vigorously].

Business is not bad for this time of year. I have reprint orders coming in and have booked every wedding I've had a consultation for recently. I have a few fine art pieces that I'll be dropping off for display--and hopefully for purchasing---in a couple of local shops. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I have hesitated to sell these couple of pieces because I actually just like them SO much myself?? They just look so good hanging on the studio/living room wall. It's probably a good thing to really dig your own work. That way, if nobody buys it,
I can have it back!

I spent today doing website work. I put up a revised biography of my professional experience on the home page. It's so strange to have to write about yourself in the third person. Especially when you're having to toot your own horn, so to speak. I mean technically speaking, everything I wrote is true, but gosh, did I make me sound all fancy and important. Amazing the impression that you can give through words. It really feels like I'm being all sneaky, 'cause little do my website perusers know that it's actually just regular ol' ME I'm describing, hee-hee!
  • My Website

  • I've revised my wedding pricing system and printed up new brochures. I'm adding new coffee table style books to my album offerings. I'm also thinking about trying to add a new lens to my current arsenal before the spring bridal season gets into full swing. I have a few new posing/lighting ideas I'm looking forward to trying, too. It should be a good season, work-wise. I'm better set up to handle things than I've ever been before---I just need to get some more work on the calendar and I'll be good. I'm getting there.

    Although I took full advantage of those few warm days we had in December and January, poor Mr.Darcy is now parked in my driveway, looking all sad under his snow covered tarp. On occasions when I have to leave town without him, however, Mr. Darcy can't be left unattended outside. My shed sits on an incline, so I can't put the bike in there, either. Therefore, Mr. Darcy house sits for me and keeps the dogs company while I'm gone. I really have to get a picture of that. You have no idea how funny it is to come back home to an 800 lb motorcycle in your living room. Cracks me up!! No matter how broke I am, I will NEVER regret the purchase of that bike!

    Alright, I guess that's enough rambling for now. I think my writer's block has been breached, so I should be blogging more regularly again. Thanks for reading, folks!!