Thursday, August 10, 2006

Get Your Motor Runnin'...

I just returned home from a lovely evening at Melissa's house. She had set out an enticing spread of various cheeses (including drunken goat cheese--if you haven't tried this, go out and get some. Right now. Seriously.), stuffed grape leaves and sushi. Add a little Chilean red to the setting and...VOILA! Dee-lish! For dessert there was rasberry sorbet and chilled Gevurstraminer.

We talked and ate and sipped and laughed. Near the end of the evening, Jackson entertained us by sitting in on our conversation and giving his opinion quite freely concerning my dating life. I mentioned that I was seeing a fellow who was tall and rode motorcycles. Jack immediatley decided that this was a relationship that I should pursue, because then he would get motorcycle rides AND the ability to reach things without a stool! That kid is just priceless!!

Speaking of motorcycles. You're not going to believe this, because I almost can't believe it myself. I am the proud owner of a Motorcycle Learner's Permit! I have to resist the urge to whip it out and flash to complete strangers. I just feel so cool.

I'll be taking the first available communtiy college motorcycle safety course available. I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.

Other exciting news includes the receiving of an invitation to display my work at an art show sponsored by the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) in September. The invitation came from a member of my garden club who enjoyed the presentation that I did for the club in June. This is a big deal for me. It's been a goal of mine, for sometime, to do a gallery display of my fine art pieces. This is an excellent first step towards that. It's going to take some effort to pull it all together, but it will be so rewarding to see it all on display.

Well, I'm headed off to bed now. Busy day tomorrow.

G'night all!


Anniesue said...

Big things happening! How and are certainly a cool, well rounded woman! I'm glad you had a great visit with Melissa. Can't wait to hear from her soon too!!

Emily said...

Congrats on the DAR invite! That is great news!!

Umm, I am going to hold off on my congrats about the motorcycle lic. until I see what you plan to do with it. I am having strange visions of my childrens' aunt pulling up in the drive on her hog, smoking a cigar and carrying a bottle of liquor. ROFL!!

Hope to see you at W's party next weekend :)

Thom said...

LMBO, Em!!!! :0D

Dy said...

Hey, hey! Congratulations on the showing! How are you going to pick the pieces??? I couldn't decide. I'd have to just bring in a total stranger and say, "here, pick some". They're all so good. Yay you.

You really must quit sharing all these great meals and snacks and such. I'm sitting here, wracking my brain, trying to remember where (WHERE?!?!?) I hid the iced oatmeal cookies. Yes, I am that pathetic. And here you and Melissa are, gnoshing on drunken goat cheese and chilled beverages. *sigh* (Ignore me, it's just envy.)


J-Lynn said...

Woooooohoooooo hot biker mama! ;-) Congrats on the DAR thang! I wouldn't drive to it in the motorcycle btw..haha

I need you and Melissa to edamacate me on liquor! I can't even pronounce those names you Give me my port and I'm good. What am I missing out on? ;-)

Dy said...

Oh, very cool. So, then, Melissa IS still alive and she and the kids are doing well? You know, because it's hard to tell by checking her blog, or email, or phone messages... ;-)

Tall biker dude, huh? Hmmmm. Well, you know the drill - our criteria is a bit different than Jackson's (although being able to reach things is a plus, now that I think about it.)

CONGRATULATIONS on the exhibit! It's going to be splendid - I just know it! Please blog about it, okay?


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