Thursday, May 25, 2006

Pluggin' Along

It's really bugging me that I have all of this GREAT blogging material (garden club, floor woes, Hilda's antics, the boys' baseball, etc.) and no time to use it! But, I can't complain because business is good. I've booked 2 more weddings and 2 more wedding consultations since I last blogged. I just ordered some new equipment and am SO excited for it to arrive. There's going to be a learning curve, but the creative possibilities it will open up to me will make the process a joy. It has become apparent, however that I will have to buy another back-up camera pretty soon. I am not really an equipment-o-phile, I just spend on what I really need. I just don't particularly enjoy the researching and price shopping when it's time to get new gear. Heck, it took about 5 hours of sitting in front of the computer and making phone calls to figure out this last equipment order! Call me crazy, but that's just not fun for me. But I must admit is really is fun once the new toys are in my toybox!!!! COME OOOOON, UPS!!!!

I think I'm going to do a whole separate post on my floors complete with before and after pics. Heck, I could start a whole 'nother BLOG on my home improvement stuff. But suffice it to say, that the floors. look. AWESOME!!!!
They still need at least one more coat of poly, but I'll get to that when I can, it's no big rush now that they're sealed. They look SO good!!!!

The veggies are sprouting and the flowers are flourishing. I have no outside water supply, so it has become my evening habit to carry several gallons of water in the watering can from inside the house out to my precious flower and veggie patches. I'm finding I rather enjoy the labor. Strange.

My Little Buddy is warming up to me a bit more, I think. I see little glimmers of it once in a while, peeking through cracks in that seemingly impenetrable wall she keeps built up around her feelings. I've taken pictures of her and her friends doing their little dance routines and printed out an album for them. We've also made puppets and had an ice cream social with the other Little Buddies. She's actually asked me to come back and be her Big Buddy for the next grade level. I agreed, of course. I think that's progress. :0)

Savannah and I are going to start up with our art lessons again. I am really looking forward to it, though I will admit to a little anxiety. She is just SO good. It is really going to require a serious effort on my part to stay on top of things and teach at a level of skill high enough to truly benefit her. It will be a challenge, but I'm ready to take it on!

Well, little Q's now a preschool grad.It just doesn't seem possible. It feels like just last week he was just a tiny little round faced baby with the biggest blue eyes you ever saw. And now he's just a handsome little man. Crazy stuff. Congratulations, Q-man!


Anniesue said...

You sound so busy. I am exhausted from reading! I would say there is definitely progress with your little buddy! Hang in there! She is blessed to have you in her life.

Bridget said...

It is such a satisfying feeling to water your plants and flowers and see something come from it. It's a nightly ritual at our house to go out and water everything.
I'm glad to hear that everything is going so well for you, good luck on the new toys.

Emily said...

Good to hear business is booming and the Lil' Buddy is warming to you.
The boys are excited about our little container garden. Q found our first tiny little squash and squealed!!
Have fun with your new toys :)