Sunday, March 12, 2006

General goings-on

Other than the flesh-eating rash that covers 60% of my person, I'm doing well. Supposedly (according to the M.D.) it's an allergic reaction of some sort, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what's causing it. Any tips from you herbal/natural remedy saavy folks, out there, would be much appreciated!

Positively, gorgeous weather here the last few days. I'm about to take the pups out for a workout, clean house and then shower up and head out to pick up Savannah from her dance lesson. Then it's a watch-a-movie-while-trimming-reprints evening for me. 507 reprints, to be exact. Maybe I need to rent two movies? I'm not complaining though, 'cause I get a check for those reprints tomorrow! Woohoo!

Progress on the hardwood floors is slow, but steady. I hope to have all of the carpet ripped up and scraped away by the end of this week. Then the very daunting task of sanding shall begin. (GULP!)

Events of note:
I recieved a call from Q last week, thanking me for sending him the Yoda action figure. It was such a neat surprise to answer the phone and hear Q's little voice on the other end. He described the figurine to me in great detail and seemed very tickled to get it. SOOOO cute!!

A couple of weeks back, I spent a day each with Savannah and Jackson.

Savannah and I stopped by the country store and grabbed some snacks, before heading to my place. There we sampled and then downloaded several songs of her choosing from iTunes ranging from Phantom of the Opera numbers to Celtic flutes.While the music was downloading, we took a long walk in the woods with the dogs. Later, we enjoyed lunch at a Mexican restaurant and an afternoon of shopping. We both have very active imaginations and a huge appreciation for visual beauty and music, which always predisposes us to enjoy one another's company. But even if we didn't have so much in common, I still would have enjoyed our time together. She is just a delightful young lady. It was a great day and I want very much to do it again soon.

Jack and I stopped by the Rock Shop to purchase a few new pieces for his collection and then ran by the country store to grab some junkfood before heading to my place. First we went for a long walk in the fields and woods to visit the cow graveyard and the old log cabin. The graveyard yielded a very cool piece of skull from which we extracted a cow tooth (Jack informed me that this would make an EXCELLENT necklace). After returning to the house and tanking up on soda and snackfood, we loaded up the dogs and headed over to the National Forest trail. There we hiked into the woods, up and down hills and ravines and scoured the stream for cool rocks. Pockets loaded down, we made the long trek back and piled back into the car, with muddy boots and panting dogs. Back at the house, we watched a pirate movie until it was time to meet his Mom. Jack never so much as slowed down, the whole day through. He was scrambling over hill and dale---up, down, around and over---chattering happily the whole time about this and that and announcing enthusiastically each new found treasure. He must've said three times "This is a GREAT day!!!" He's such an upbeat little guy with a quick eye for details. Really keeps you on your toes. We did have a GREAT day together!

I have yet to spend a day with just Austin, but the big guy (he's taller than me now--very disconcerting!!) stays so busy with baseball and martial arts, I can't catch him! Well, one of these days.

Alrighty, I gotta get back to work here. Have a good day, folks!!


melissa said...

Ha! Ha! VERY FUNNY opening line! Thanks so much for the time spent with the kids. They love it so much, and I am so thankful to have such a great family, who takes such an intrest in my kiddo's. It makes such a difference. Thanks! Good luck w/ the flesh eating rash!

GiBee said...

Okay ... I know we share the same flesh eating rash... but ... someone ... and I'm sorry, but I just can't remember who ... posted on their blog a picture of their baby with an angry red rash all over her face (looked like what I have on my neck and arm). She said the dermotologist (sp?) told her to use Aquaphor Healing Ointment (found in any drug store... see link below for a picture). She did, and the rash went away. So, I thought, what the heck? I went out a got some of this stuff, and guess what? It's working. My rash has gotten lighter and is going away. Thought you might want to try it!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you are like the best aunt EVER! I'm with lynette - can I hire you LOL?

What a fun time (except for the flesh eating rash that is). I've had hives off and on lately (thank you allergies) :o)

J-Lynn said...

Could it be something on Johnny Laws farm? Something you're not usually exposed to?

HUGS - see a naturapath if you can find one!

Thom said...

Thanks for all of the "good aunt" comments, folks. I wasn't meaning to toot my own horn,there,I just wanted to write down and remember what a great niece and nephews I have and how much fun we have when we get together.

Gibee,thanks for the info on the rash remedy, I appreciate it!! And thanks for stopping by! :0)