Every date is an interview. You are, at the same time, the interviewer and the interviewee. You must ask all the right questions, without appearing to really care too deeply what the reply might be--it's all just very casual, you know (inside your head you are feverishly taking notes and judging). You must answer all of his questions succinctly, without appearing to be TOO nervous--you know, so he doesn't realize you're lying (just kidding about the lying, heh-heh). You must answer his questions as honestly, yet, as non-threateningly as possible. I hate confrontation. On a first date? It's just not worth it. You can tell pretty quickly whether there'll be a second date in the works or not. I'd rather try to enjoy my meal and
then go home and seethe about what he said later.
If he's handsome, the whole process is much more difficult. There's this little part of you that's thinking "Don't ask him THAT!! Don't answer that HONESTLY!! You'll never get a second date that way!! Just sit here, sip your wine, and try to look pretty---just try to look PRETTY, you fool!" That little voice must be silenced and quickly. Gotta stay focused!! Keep him talking on intelligent and potentially controversial subject matter. Things that will push my buttons, if he disagrees with me--politics, religion, the proper cooking/serving temperature of beef, etc. Do NOT let his hotness distract you!!
On the first date, every word that comes out of your mouth and his, every gesture, every expression. It's all being sifted and weighed. Your outfit, makeup, hair, vehicle, firmness of handshake, freshness of breath...all being judged. Talk about pressure.
A date anytime I want to go out. A nice meal and a nice adult beverage. The possibility, the hope that this might be a potential friend or even a potential mate that I'm meeting tonight. Those things keep me motivated.